Posts by Collection



Individual sensitivity to spectral and temporal cues in listeners with hearing impairment

Published in Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2015

Download paper here

Recommended citation: Souza, P., Wright R., Blackburn M., Tatman R.., & Gallun F.. (2015). Individual sensitivity to spectral and temporal cues in listeners with hearing impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.

Listening with American Ears: Using Social Information in Perceptual Learning

Published in 3rd Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation, 2016

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Recommended citation: Tatman, R. (2016). Listening with American Ears: Using Social Information in Perceptual Learning. 3rd Conference on Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation.

Oh, I’ve Heard That Before: Modelling Own-Dialect Bias After Perceptual Learning by Weighting Training Data

Published in Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics, 2017

Download paper here

Recommended citation: Tatman, R.. (2017). "Oh, I've Heard That Before": Modelling Own-Dialect Bias After Perceptual Learning by Weighting Training Data. Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics.

‘He maybe did’ or ‘He may be dead’? The use of acoustic and social cues in applying perceptual learning of a new dialect

Published in 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017

Download paper here

Recommended citation: Tatman, R. (2017). "He maybe did" or "He may be dead": The use of acoustic and social cues in applying perceptual learning of a new dialect. 173rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.

#MAGA or #TheResistance: Classifying Twitter users’ political affiliation without looking at their words or friends

Published in Women and Underrepresented Minorities in Natural Language Processing, 2017

Download paper here

Recommended citation: Tatman, R. (2017). #MAGA or #TheResistance: Classifying Twitter users' political affiliation without looking at their words or friends. Women and Underrepresented Minorities in Natural Language Processing .

A Practical Taxonomy of Reproducibility for Machine Learning Research

Published in Reproducibility in Machine Learning Workshop at ICML 2018, 2018

Recommended citation: Tatman, R., VanderP, J., & Dane, S. (2018). A Practical Taxonomy of Reproducibility for Machine Learning Research. Reproducibility in Machine Learning Workshop at ICML 2018.


Why does NLP need sociolinguistics?


This talks covers the basics of sociolinguisitics and discusses why it’s important to considering linguistic variation when designing NLP applications.

Intro to Kaggle: XGBoost!


This workshop was both an introduction to Kaggle and a beginner-friendly workshop on XGBoost algorithm. You’ll need to provide some info to watch the video, but the same content is covered in the code.

Character Encoding and You�


Why does your text output have all those black boxes in it? Why can’t it handle Portuguese? The answer is most likely “character encoding”. This talk will cover some of the common character encoding gotchas and cover some defensive programming practices to help your code handle multiple encodings.

Socially-Stratified Validation for ML Fairness


In this talk, I cover some of the frameworks used to think about fairness in machine learning. Then I turn to more practical matters of determining which social factors are important in machine leaning, how to find appropriate validation data, and considerations when selecting metrics. Finally, I walk through a sample socially-stratified validation pipeline.

How to find stories in data through visualization


Working with data is a kind of interview - it is a complex back-and-forth, drawing out the expressiveness of data. The process is often visual, depending heavily on a sequence of graphical displays, “visualizations.” This three-hour workshop will focus on the concepts and skills you need to use data visualization effectively as part of your reporting practice - to conduct a data interview. You will learn how to spot trends, highlight changes over time, identify outliers, make meaningful comparisons, and describe important patterns in your data - all through the effective use of visualization strategies. This class will be based in the R language and distributed through Jupyter notebooks. These pre-built examples can later be customized to suit your own projects when you return to your newsroom.

How to Give a Lightning Talk


Lightening talks are quick talks, usually under 5 minutes. The short format makes the great for first time speakers! This is a very meta lightening talk on how to give a lightening talk, and covers how to develop your talk, practice it and some of my best public-speaking tips.

Evaluating and Improving Reproducibility in Machine Learning


Reproducibility in machine learning means you can run the same code on the same data and get the same results. While this may seem relatively straightforward, there are plenty of potential pitfalls. In this talk, we’ll discuss a scale for evaluating the reproduciblity of a machine learning project and how to make sure that your own work is easy to reproduce. While this talk is focused on researchers (it’s based on a paper I presented at an ICML workshop), the tips and tricks should apply to anyone who does exploratory data analysis or machine learning generally.

Reproducible Research Best Practices (highlighting Kaggle Kernels)


In this workshop, we’ll take an existing research project and make it fully reproducible using Kaggle Kernels. This workshop will include hands-on instruction and best practices for each of the three components necessary for completely reproducible research.

I do, We do, You Do: Supporting active learning with notebooks


The gradual release of responsibility instructional model (also known as the I do, We do, You do model) is a pedagogical technique developed by Pearson & Gallagher where students engage with material more independently over time. In this workshop, participants will learn how to apply the I do, We do, You do framework to teaching with Jupyter notebooks. Over the course of the workshop, participants will complete a series of exercises designed to help them use Jupyter notebooks more effectively support active learning in the classroom.

Data Science Portfolios


This talk describes how to put together a data science portfolio that will help you stand out, different kinds of data science jobs and how to tailor your application to shine as a candidate.

Mixed Effects Regression


The combination of power, flexibility and clearly interpretable models make it a very powerful technique. I’ll introduce you to the method (no stats background required!), show you how to apply it to your own datasets and walk you through some tricks for clearly visualizing the output.

Paper Discussion: The Importance of Being Recurrent for Modeling Hierarchical Structure


You may, in fact, need more than attention. This paper is a comparison of the ability of recurrent and non-recurrent (i.e. transformer) neural network structures, focusing on their ability to model hierarchical relationships in natural language. The authors found that for both subject-object agreement and logical entailment, RNN’s outperformed transformers. While there is limited theoretical support for these findings, the empirical results are compelling.que developed by Pearson & Gallagher where students engage with material more independently over time. In this workshop, participants will learn how to apply the I do, We do, You do framework to teaching with Jupyter notebooks. Over the course of the workshop, participants will complete a series of exercises designed to help them use Jupyter notebooks more effectively support active learning in the classroom.

Data Structures in R


This talk covers the basics of R’s data structures, as well as two data structures that aren’t included in Base R: linked lists and hashtables.

Setting Up Your Public Data for Success


If you’re sharing your data, you probably want people to actually use it. This talk lays out some concrete strategies you can apply to help interested folks find and use your public data.

PUT DOWN THE DEEP LEARNING: When not to use neural networks (and what to do instead)


The deep learning hype is real, and the Python ecosystem makes it easier than ever to neural networks to everything from speech recognition to generating memes. But when picking a model architecture to apply to your work, you should consider more than just state of the art results from NeurIPS. The amount of time, money and data available to you are equally, if not more, important. This talk will cover some alternatives to deep learning, including regression, tree-based methods and distance based methods. More importantly, it will include a frank discussion of the pros and cons of different methods and when it makes sense to use each in practice.

Intro to Computational Sociolinguistics


All language data, whether text, speech or sign, reflects the social identity of the user and the environment they were in when they produced that language. This systematic social variation in language has been studied in linguistics for decades, but is increasingly important as we build and deploy tools that rely on automatic analysis. Failure to account for sociolinguistic variation can reduce overall system performance or, more worryingly, result in systems that are systematically biased against certain classes of users.

Sociolinguistic Variation and Automatic Speech Recognition: Challenges and Approaches


Failing to account for sociolinguistic variation can result in accuracy differences between groups and generally worsens performance for members of minority groups. How to handle sociolinguistic variation in ASR systems, especially systems trained via deep learning, is an area of active research. This talk will introduce current approaches from natural language processing and discuss their benefits and drawbacks.

Intro to BERT-ology


This talk covers the current research (in May 2020) into how BERT and related models capture information, ablation studies and drawback/weaknesses.

What I Won’t Build


This talk goes over my own personal development in terms of what ethical NLP looks like and where I currently stand, including a list of the specific types of applications I won’t build.

Data Science Portfolios (Updated)


This talk describes how to put together a data science portfolio that will help you stand out, different kinds of data science jobs and how to tailor your application to shine as a candidate.

AI = your data


New algorithms may get the press, but the real heart of any AI project is data collection and curation. This talk will show you why getting to know your data is so important and provide best practices for improving your data curation and annotation.

5 mistakes you’ll probably make with language data (and how to recover)


Language is fundamentally different from other types of data, and it’s inevitable that you’ll run into some language-specific issues. This talk will cover some of the most common types of errors I’ve seen data analysts and machine learning engineers make with language data, from ignoring the differences between text genres to treating text as written speech to assuming that all languages work like English. We’ll also talk about ways to avoid these common mistakes (and recover gracefully if you’ve already made them).

Testing, Validation and Evaluation: How Do You Know if Your NLP System Actually Works


Abstract: If you’ve ever built–or thought about building–an NLP system, you’ve probably run into a few questions: How can you tell if it’s working? How will you know if it continues to work in the future? How do you know when you should you update your models, if ever? Luckily, there are tools to help you! This talk will cover the differences between testing, validation and evaluation, explain why you need all three, and walk through an example with a chatbot system.

Chatbots can be good: What we learn from unhappy users


It’s no secret that chatbots have a bad reputation: no one enjoys a cyclical, frustrating conversation when all you need is a quick answer to an urgent question. But chatbots can, in fact, be good. Having bad conversations can help us get there before they’re ever deployed. This talk will draw on both academic and industry knowledge to discuss problems like: What do users’ reactions to unsuccessful systems tell us about what successful systems should look like? Are we evaluating the right things… or the easy to measure things? Do we really have to look at user data? If so, when and how often? When, if ever, should we retire old methods?

Open Source AI Chatbots


There have been major advances in natural language processing in the few years, particularly in developing and refining new network architectures like transformers, that allow chatbots to handle natural language input more robustly. In this talk, we’ll cover what the differences are between machine learning and rule-based approaches to building chatbots and when to use each. We’ll also quickly walk through what you need to know to start building your own AI chatbots using Rasa’s open source framework, as well as practical recommendations for improving any AI chatbot after deployment using conversation driven development.


Linguistics Outreach

Posters & Activicties, Pacific Science Center, 2014

These materials were developed for Paws on Science; an annual event put on by the Pacific Science Center to help UW scientists connect with the public. They were designed with an elementary-school audience in mind.

An Introduction to Relational Databases

Slides, Sociolinguistics Lab, 2016

Slides from a talk given at a sociolinguistics lab meeting on relational databases. Includes information on software for making relational databases and ideas for distributing them.

A Guide to Livetweeting Conferences

Website,, 2018

I’ve written a fairly in-depth guide to livetweeting that you can find here. It’s intentionally minimal so that it can easily loaded on phones with limited data.

Kaggle Workshops

Workshops,, 2019

These are a collection of all the workshops I’ve run at Kaggle, from July 2016 to December 2019.